Friday, December 21, 2018

Kitchen Cart...

When you are a single person, you take on all sorts of responsibilities if you are a homeowner or apartment dweller.  When you marry, responsibilities tend to be divided among spouses; each one having certain duties, usually the wife taking care of the inside of the house and the husband taking care of every thing else...repairs, yard duties and Honey Do's.  We take a lot of things for granted that our spouse does and over the years those things just all seem to get lost/unnoticed in every day living.

Since Poppa has become immobile a couple of years ago, I have had to learn a lot of those things that I took for granted that he did.  It has been extremely difficult for him to relinquish what was considered his job and it was extremely difficult for me to take on those duties, but I must say, I am delighted to learn that I CAN do some things that I never thought possible.  I would have never learned/known this if life had not changed for us.

The first thing I put together was his wheelchair.  From there I have acquired my own tools, small and light weight enough for me to handle...a new lawn mower and POWER TOOLS!!

My most recent project and current creative outlet was putting together a new cart for our kitchen to replace a stainless steel cart that we had.  I love this new cart.  There is room on top for my Kitchenaid MONSTER MIXER and still have space to work.  An added drawer is nice and there is a shelf inside to contain some of my appliances and keep them out of sight but within easy reach.

Today Poppa helped me make banana pudding.  He is learning some things about house duties that can be done from a wheelchair, but I still have not found a way to spark an interest enough that he wants to learn to cook! [ but I haven't given up yet ...]

Our new cart is finished just in time to do some holiday baking.  Learn something new this next year.  Expand and grow.  Love and cherish each other, your family and friends.  Life can change in an instant.  ENJOY THE MOMENT!!

Creating is healing and coziness for the soul...