Thursday, September 19, 2013

It feels good...

The temperatures have cooled a wee bit and we are now cloudy with low 90's.  So much better than the sun shinny 104-106 days.  Lemon pepper chicken is slowly cooking in the crock pot.  Homemade bread is rising and will be ready to bake in another thirty minutes.  I have been working on a rag quilt for our bed as part of redecorating our bedroom.  Now that I have rescheduled my computer time, work load, doll and pattern making, I am enjoying loving our home again.  I need to get back on a schedule of assessing my life every three months or so and not let things get out of hand.  If we are not careful, we can take on too much and not realize it until it is too late.  Life on the farm is good again.  Did I just hear thunder??  Precious much needed rain would make this a perfect day...

UPDATE:  We did get .65 of an inch of precious rain.  A perfect day!
UPDATE UPDATE:  8.1 inches of rain in less than 24 hours!!