Sunday, July 26, 2015

Where does the time go?...

Where oh where does the time go? On July 1st I decided to reclaim my outside workshop. Below is the mess I saw when I opened the door. Phase 1 was to get rid of my two kilns, firing accessories, several gallons of ceramic and porcelain slip and glaze, slip pump and a few molds that were stored in this room. With limited mobility, it took me three weeks to gather up these items. I am amazed at what can get done in small increments of time. I am happy to report that those items are now gone. It took three young people to load all that stuff in just 20 minutes.  Now Phase 2 begins along with dealing with 104 degree temperatures.  It's going to take a while...

Don't we have fun?
Until next time...Stay cool and enjoy your summer!