I have started *Spring Cleaning* early. My resolution for 2013 is to simplify...ok, ok, it's been an ongoing resolution for several years. Any way, as I was removing the *dust catcher* mesquito netting above our bed and rearranging the furniture, it dawned on me what one of my many problems is. You have heard the old saying, Out of sight, Out of mind? Well, I leave stuff sitting out to remind me to *do something with this or that*! The day I started cleaning in the bedroom, I left the vacuum cleaner sitting out, to be handy for the next day's work. Here it is a week later and I have not been back in there to clean. All I do is get tangled up in the cord in the wee hours of the morning when I get up with our Toby. I need to put every thing back in place as I go or at least by the end of the day. I need to make a list of things to do instead of leaving things out.
Another point, we have very little storage space. The lady that designed this house was not a crafty person and we all know it takes tons of supplies to do one little project :) She also did not like overnight company so we have a tiny one bedroom, one bath house. It works great for Poppa and me and our furbabies. However since we both are pack rats and have 150 combined years of *stuff*, some of it has to go! Maybe 2013 is the year...